School Fees
The tuition fee is currently at RM6,600 (Half Day) and RM8,712 (Full Day) for Playgroup Programme and RM7,744 (Half Day) and RM9,020 (Full Day) for Preschool Programme. Fee levels will be reviewed from time to time, and reasonable increases may be expected.
Parent/guardian who choose to pay the tuition fee via termly instalments, the school fees are payable at RM1,650 (Half Day) or RM 2,178 (Full Day) for Playgroup Programme and RM1,936 (Half Day) or RM2,255 (Full Day) for Preschool Programme over four terms, via bank transfer.
Parent/guardian may also choose to pay the tuition fee via monthly installments, the school fees are payable at RM600 (Half Day) or RM792 (Full Day) for Playgroup Programme and RM1,936 (Half Day) or RM 820 (Full Day) for Preschool Programme over 10 calendar months, via bank transfer.
School fees remain payable whilst the child is officially registered with the school. Absence from the school for any period of time does not preclude the student from payment of the school fees specified. School fees paid are non-refundable.